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About CHS Online Resources

The CHS Library offers access to both online databases and eBooks (reference books in electronic format).  All are excellent, accurate, and timely resources for information needed to meet the requirements of teacher assigned research projects, and for personal information needs.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  access to the online databases and eBooks is available from home computers with Internet access.  The needed URLs, logons, and passwords are on the last page of each student's yellow Works Cited packet.  The access information is intended for our students and their immediate family members ONLY.

*Please note:  successful access from a home computer is dependent upon a variety of technical details which are beyond the control or responsibility of Curtis High School or the University Place School District.  Such things as virus software, firewalls, parental control software, etc. may impede access and will need to be resolved by whoever services your personal computer.

CHS Online Databases


Up-to-date information on the cultures of world countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe plus the same kind of information on states in the United States and provinces in Canada.  Such topics as history, government, personal appearance, gestures, family life, education, economy, statistics, and much more are covered.  Photos and maps are also included.

Electric Library (eLibrary)

General reference information from newspapers, magazines, books, maps, pictures, and TV/radio transcripts.

General Reference Center Gold

General reference sources in addition to newspapers and magazines.

InfoTrac Junior Edition

General reference and current information from magazines, newspapers, and reference books covering major areas of the high school curriculum: history, literature, current events, politics, environment, etc.

ProQuest Direct

News on worldwide events from local and national newspapers and magazines.  Updated daily.

ProQuest History Study Center

Topic overviews, reference articles, historical documents, journal articles, maps, multimedia.

ProQuest Learning:  Literature

 Reference, authors, literary works, literary criticism, and multimedia.

Salem History

U.S. history source of information articles and primary source documents.

Salem Literature

Critical insights  to authors, literary works, survey of long fiction, survey of poetry, and plot summaries.

SIRS Issues Researcher

Up-to-date articles on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political and global issues.  In-depth coverage of all branches of the U.S. government, current perspectives on the arts, culture, literature, music, philosophy, and religion.

Student Resource Center

Premium selection of original reference, overviews, critical essays, primary source documents, periodicals and newspapers updated daily covering topics related to literature, science, history, social science, and biographical information.

World Book Online Reference Center

In addition to general encyclopedia articles, included are primary source documents, eBooks, a timeline builder, dictionary, maps, and other media.


CHS Online eBooks

(Reference books in electronic format)


  Speakers of the House of Representatives, 1789-2009 

          UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography, 10 volumes


  American Environmental Leaders: From colonial Times to the Present, 2 volumes

          Climate Change

  Climate Change: In Context, 2 volumes

          Endangered species, 3 volumes


          Environmental Encyclopedia, 2 volumes

          Environmental Issues: Essential Primary Sources

          Environmental Science: In Context, 2 volumes

          Global Warming 101

          Great Debates in American Environmental History, 2 volumes

          Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 17 volumes

          Pollution A to Z, 2 volumes

          UXL Encyclopedia of Landforms and Other Geologic Features, 3 volumes

          UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, 3 volumes

          Water: Science and Issues, 4 volumes


  Agriculture in History, 3 volumes

  American Decades Primary Sources, 10 volumes

          American Home Front in World War II, 4 volumes

          Americans at War, 4 volumes

          Ancient Greece and Rome: An encyclopedia for students, 4 volumes

          Cold War Reference Library, 6 volumes

          Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library, 4 volumes

          Dictionary of American History, 10 volumes

          Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy, 3 volumes

          Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, 2 volumes

          History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide, 6 volumes

          Korean War Reference Library, 2 volumes

          Presidents: A Reference History

          Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students, 4 volumes

          Speakers of the House of Representatives, 1789-2009

          Supreme Court Drama: Cases that Changed America, 4 volumes

          Vietnam War Reference Library, 5 volumes

          War in the Persian Gulf Reference Library, 4 volumes

          World War I Reference Library, 4 volumes

          World War II Reference Library, 5 volumes


          Checks and Balances: The three branches of the American government, 3 volumes

          Constitutional Amendments: From Freedom of Speech to Flag Burning, 3 volumes

          Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, 6 volumes   

          Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States, 5 volumes

          The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment: Judging Death   

          Supreme Court Drama: Cases That Changed America, 4 volumes


          Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of American Literature, 4 volumes

          Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World Literature, 4 volumes

          Greek and Roman Mythology

          Notable American Novelists, 3 volumes

          UXL Encyclopedia of World Mythology, 5 volumes


         Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco: Learning about Addictive Behavior, 3 volumes

         Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2 volumes

Multicultural Studies

          Latino Food Culture

Nation and World

         Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Physical Geography, 5 volumes


         Alternative Energy, 3 volumes

         Animal Sciences, 4 volumes

         Biology, 4 volumes

         Chemical Elements: From carbon to krypton, 3 volumes

         Energy for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Guide to Conventional and Alternative Sources

         Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 17 volumes

         Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy, 3 volumes

         Plant Sciences, 4 volumes

         Science and Technology, 2 volumes

         UXL Encyclopedia of Weather and Natural Disasters, 5 volumes

         World of Sports Science, 2 volumes

Social Science

 21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook, 2 volumes

         Crime and Punishment: Essential Promary Sources

         Encyclopedia of War and American Society, 3 volumes

         Environmental Issues: Essential Primary Sources

         Family in Society: Essential Primary Sources


         Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology

         Gender Issues and Sexuality: Essential Primary Sources

         Government, Politics, and Protest: Essential Primary Sources

         Human and Civil Rights: Essential Primary Sources

         Immigration and Multiculturalism: Essential Primary Sources

         Medicine, Health, and Bioethics: Essential Primary Sources

         Population Growth

         Social Policy: Essential Primary Sources

         Terrorism: Essential Primary Sources

         The War in Iraq